This set of tests is aimed at getting a preliminary evaluation of different finishes on Sumac.
A set of 4 solid pieces (from “A” to “D”) were employed; unfortunately, these do not start from very similar PZC values. All samples were sanded to 10’000-grit.
We tested these finishes, which were identified as the most beneficial to chatoyance during testing on other species:
Sample A: Veleca Nitrolux (thinner based ketone resin – classic furniture finish)
Sample B: Veleca Olio per Teak (Tung oil based – exotic wood finish)
Sample C: Boiled Linseed Oil (BLO)
Sample D: Blonde Dewaxed Shellac “Medium” (2 parts in 13 parts of Alcohol)
It was concluded that:
1) Given the low uniformity of initial values, it is impossible to state which finish works best; however very high chatoyance can be achieved with all these finishes.
2) All these “clear” finishes significantly darken the surface
Tables below summarize the results in terms of chatoyance (PZC):

Tables below summarize the results in terms of brightness (fraction of white paper brightness):

Pictures below show the results: